Unshakeable Corporate Program

This program is perfect for organizations that want to improve engagement, productivity, and decision-making in teams with staff members who have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or another form of the neurodiverse brain. Develop a deeper understanding of your staff's needs and strengths with personalized coaching to support their success.

I help people understand such issues

Improve team dynamics

Increase productivity

Support neurodiverse staff

Create an inclusive workplace

Enhance your team's synergy with our Unshakeable Corporate Career Program.

I specialize in empowering managers to understand and uplift their neurodiverse staff, driving productivity and innovation. Our refined blend of live coaching and on-demand resources is crafted from 15 years of firsthand experience and scientific research, ensuring practical, tailored solutions.

Eligible for organizations with over 200 employees, this intensive 3-6 month online journey transforms managerial approaches and team dynamics. Your managers will gain tools and strategies that are as effective as they are compassionate, fostering a workplace where every individual’s strengths are recognized and amplified.

Join us, and let’s collaboratively build a workplace where innovation, efficiency, and inclusivity are not aspirations, but reality.

Program Overview

Optimization Templates

Meeting, conversation, and other templates that guide you through change management to optimize time, reduce overwhelm, and improve team collaboration.

Leadership Coaching

Weekly coaching calls for both leaders and neurodiverse staff members to receive personalized support on how to work together effectively.

Neurodiversity Training

On-demand training for managers and leaders to learn how to support and collaborate with neurodiverse employees in a friendly and inclusive way.

Progress Review Sessions

Regular sessions to review goals, identify next steps, and problem-solve new challenges to ensure continued progress.

Achieving Optimal Team Dynamics with Neurodiverse Staff Is As Easy As...


Get started towards a solution

Schedule a call with our team and discuss how our program can help improve engagement, productivity, and decision-making on your team with staff members who have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or another form of neurodiverse brain.


Work with us to achieve your goals

Once you take that action, you will work with us to receive personalized coaching and training to support your neurodiverse staff, optimize team dynamics, and reduce overwhelm. Our program includes weekly coaching calls, on-demand training, templates, and progress review sessions to ensure continued progress.


Achieve optimal team dynamics

After you've worked with us, you will achieve optimal team dynamics, improved communication across teams, and better decision-making. Your team will be more engaged, productive, and supported than ever before, positively impacting your bottom line.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!


How do I know if Unshakeable Corporate is right for my organization?

If you have employees who have neurodiverse brains and you're scratching your head on how to support them day-to-day and optimize your business, this program is for you.

Overall, Unshakeable Focus was created to help organizations with neurodivergent employees by educating leaders and empowering staff to let go of the shame of their unique brains in the workplace to increase productivity, build relationships, and improve team dynamics.

How soon would we see results?

You will see the results based on the work and implementation. We are here to support and guide you, but you and your teams are responsible for the work, learning, and improvement.

Clients see results within 30-60 days when they follow the program, implement it, and communicate with the team on challenges and wins.

How long are the coaching calls?

The initial coaching call is 30 minutes and will be facilitated over video. You are responsible for confirming that you have a working computer, camera, and microphone. We utilize Zoom for our video meetings.

Weekly leadership and team calls will be 45 minutes. You can submit topics/questions every week for review during the call.

How much does this cost?

There are a few options depending on your organizational needs ranging from one-time presentations with q&a and permission to record and keep in your learning portal to working directly with staff and leaders. Pricing for one-time speaking starts at $1,500 to a three-six-month engagement starting at $10,500 depending on the number of teams, leaders, timeline, and additional training requested for leadership development.

Take action today and schedule a consultation.

Transform your workplace with the Unshakeable Corporate Career Program

If you're currently feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to create a more inclusive and productive work environment for your neurodiverse staff, our program can provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed.

Imagine a workplace where your neurodiverse staff feel valued, supported, and empowered to do their best work. Imagine a workplace where team dynamics are strong, communication is effective, and productivity is high.

This is the workplace that is possible when you work with Unshakeable Corporate Career Program.


Our Client Reviews

"I was really feeling stuck when I started meeting with Kristina, but after 3 sessions together, I started to feel excited about my life again... I have a better sense of what it takes to break big goals down into smaller bites, I feel like anything is possible and I have a much sturdier sense of self. If you’re looking for someone to help you achieve personal or career goals in a practical no, gimmicks way, Kristina is unparalleled at what she does.

-Aimee, client

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