Attention: Are You Ready to Have the Energy for the things you LOVE?

A Google Sheets Energy Management Template made by an ADHDer for ADHDers

Boost Your Focus

Stop Burn Out

Elevate Goals

Own Your Time

Ready to Transform Your Energy?

Meet Your Coach

Kristina Proctor

Kristina Proctor is an ADHD Coach and Marketing & Communications expert with almost 15 years of experience in corporate America. Her lived experience of working through ADHD as an adult in a corporate environment that wasn't designed for brains like hers sets her apart, giving her unparalleled expertise and insight to create powerful tools and coping strategies for ADHDers to thrive.

The Administrators and Teachers with Neurodivergent Ventures, LLC are not medical or health practitioners. Advice and shared experiences are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. Each person takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur.

©Neurodivergent Ventures, LLC

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